Jill Leovy
This is The International Bestseller – As Read on BBC Radio 4. Why would you kill your neighbour? Based on the best part of a decade embedded with the homicide units of the LAPD, this groundbreaking work of reportage takes us onto the streets, inside the homes and into the lives of a community wracked by a homicide epidemic. Through the gripping story of one particular murder – of an eighteen-year-old boy named Bryant Tennelle, gunned down one evening in spring for no apparent reason – and of its investigation by a brilliant, ferociously driven detective – a blond, surfer-turned-cop named John Skaggs – it reveals the true origins of such violence, explodes the myths surrounding policing and race and shows that the only way to reverse the cycle of violence is with justice.
“This was an important story to tell and gave a perspective on the so-called “black on black crime epidemic” I had not considered before – the lack of solving crimes in high density black communities leads to more crime as those left defenseless defend themselves. I read the Advanced Readers copy and it definitely needed some more editing as it tended to be redundant at times and could have used a less circular narrative style. Overall, Ghettoside enhanced my knowledge about policing in poor, black communities. A recommended read.” (Library Thing 2019)
A topic for these times. Great value at this price
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